I am an Assistant Professor at El Colegio de México.
I use experiments to understand ethical intuitions and behaviors. Also, I enjoy collaborating in interdisciplinary projects designing, analyzing, and improving social programs.
I am currently working on research projects on dishonesty, fairness preferences and inequality acceptance.
Most importantly, I am Suzana's husband and Sofia's dad.
Contact: pisoto@colmex.mx
Academic Experience
Assistant Professor — El Colegio de México. Center for Economic Studies (since 2023)
PhD Research Scholar — Norwegian School of Economics. FAIR Research Centre (2018-2023)
Pre-doctoral Researcher — National Laboratory for Public Policy (2016-2018)
Research Assistant — Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (2011-2012)
PhD in Economics. Norwegian School of Economics
MSc in Economics. El Colegio de México
BA in Economics. Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas
Peer reviewed
Triberti, G., Soto-Mota, P. , Vargas-López, A., Serra-Barragan, L. (2025). How do the consequences on others affect dishonest behaviour? Evidence from an online experiment in Mexico, Latin American Economic Review, 34. Full Text here
Álvarez Agüi, N., Cáceres Nieto, E., García Martínez, A., Hernández-Cervantes, J., López Bejarano R., Soto-Mota, P. & Vargas-López, A., (2023). The Theory of Planned Behaviour as a conceptual framework to understand and promote the adherence to health recommendations during the first wave of Covid-19 in Mexico City, Nova Scientia, 15, 30. Full Text here
Working papers
Reyes-Retana, G.; Pons, G.A.; Siegmann, K.; Afif, Z.; Gomez-Garcia, M.; Soto-Mota,P.; Castaneda Farill, C.E. (2023) Using Behavioral Science to Increase Women’s Participation in Natural Resource Management in Mexico (English). Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 10419; eMBeD brief Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.: here.
Book chapters
Gómez, M., Ivchenko, A., Reutskaja, E., & Soto-Mota, P. (2020). Behaviours, perceptions and mental wellbeing in high-income and low/middle-income countries at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic. in Djankov S., Panizza U. (eds.) COVID-19 in developing economies, 128. Available here. Direct download here.